Predictably Irrational - 一個頗抽象的情況,但卻是現實生活中經常都遇到的事,有趣得很。
由於對 Behavioral Economics的探討感興趣,故本月初就向圖書館借來閱讀。本書是由美國公爵大學的經濟行為/財務學家 Dan Ariely所撰寫,他過去搜尋了許多經濟行為模式及做了許多研究及測試,並在書中一一道出許多案例、問題及潛力解釋 。例如以下的:
When we make decisions we think we're in control, making rational choices.
But are we?
What caused individuals to take on mortgages that were not within their means?
What irrational forces guided our decisions?
And how can we recover from an economic crisis?
閱畢此書後很慶幸我在此書獲益非淺,例如了解到The fallacy of Supply & Demand(behavior herding),Zero cost, The truth about relativity (Circle of Comparion) etc.